While typing on my thesis and staring at my screen ... and more staring ... I'm also constantly distracted and looking for shoes that I have been thinking about for a while now. But I just can't make up my mind :s
First up; the lace-up shoe, I'm a big fan of the dandy-like shoes, they got a lot of character and go with almost anything. I had brown lace-ups before, they came from Zara about 3 or 4 years ago and I still wear them. But they're fake-leather and now they're kinda all worn out. So, I'm looking for a replacement!
Mint Suede Lace-up Shoes by Sacha €64,95 |
Next; I'm also looking for some new comfy sneakers since my last pair of black all stars is also totally worn out, with fear of suddenly walking barefoot one day.
But which pair will I get? Will I go for Converse or the slightly more original Komrads? And then again; what color!?? and model; high or low? ---- aaargh too many options!
Top Left: Chuck Taylor BasicWashed Ox Jester Red Top Right: Chuck Taylor Core Ox White Bottom: Komrads Partizan Black €59.95 |
With my lack of money, being a poor student, I'm gonna have to choose just 1 pair. And I'm still trying to figure out which one...