
Addicted to sunglasses

I confess:
I'm an addict.

and I'm addicted to sunglasses, scraves, hats ... and many more

But now the sun is there again (or it's at least supposed to be here) my addiction to sunglasses is back, worse then it ever was

So to call out to the sun (these last few rainy days have been totally depressing) here my sunglasses-collection (or at least a part of it, the ones I actually wear):
Left: all H&M mostly last 2 years, +- €4
Right: all vintage; from my mother and grandfather , €0
Left: H&M, +- €4
Right top: vintage €3 - Right bottom: New Look, this season €4
and last but not least: no sunglasses but my reading glasses
studying for jewellery-maker screwed up my eyes these past few years so last year I had to buy (reading-)glasses, I found these new-vintage ones from a local shop that was selling their old stock, only paid 25 for the frame and I was a very happy customer!

but of course, it's the same as with shoes; you can never have too many sunglasses
so to end: my wishlist
... apparently I'm liking the round glasses these days:
All ZERO-UV, all +- $10.
and even here; I'm going for cheap, and with these that's not on purpose: I just like the brand and they happen to be very cheap and with great quality! :)
so instead of this being a never-gonna-happen-way-too-expensive-wishlist, a few of these might actually be mine someday.

wish you all a sunny summer